Cheyenne Sol Nova Tattoomachine Silver

Artikelnummer: CB.520SV

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The Cheyenne “Sol Nova” Tattoomachine is a powerful device for precise lines and gentle shades.

Net Weight: 150g
Machine Length: 102mm
Machine Diameter: 33mm
Frequency: 25–150 Hz
Needle Protrusion: 0 up to 4mm
Stroke Length: 3.5mm
Power Intake: 3W
Nominal Voltage: 5–12.6V DC
Start-Up Current: 2.5A (maximum) for up to 200 minutes
Continuous, quiet, and gentle operation
Brushless DC motor

Key Features:
Durable and robust machine
Perfect balance, weight shifted to the front
25 Hz Low frequency: For dot workers and color realists
Powerful machine, very gentle to the skin
3.5 mm stroke, good for lines and shades
Easy to safety covers
Smooth, soft, and quiet operational mode
Ideal healing solutions
Durable and easy-to-clen anodization

Farbe: Silber


Gewicht: 7,04 kg